I take each jump one at a time, learn something and have a great time!

Archive for April 2008

100th Jump Video by Warren

April 30, 2008

Here it is…it was well worth the wait. Warren’s mad video editing skilz were put to the test, check it out…

Free Fly has started!

April 25, 2008

I went out to The Farm, after leaving work early.  When I arrived, Warren asked me when I’d switch to the dark side.  I have always wanted to learn Free Fly so I eagerly stood still while duct tape was applied around my ankles to keep my cargo pants down.  I refer to it as […]

100th Jump!!!

April 20, 2008

There I was, returning to Skydive The Farm around 4:30am. I was pulling onto the dirt road, when I saw the lights in the hanger get shut off. Doh! I slept as long as I could; sleeping bag, one ear plug, the other ear mashed against a pillow…..yes I wanted to catch some ZZZZZzzzzz’s. I […]

Skydive The Farm 4th Anniversary – Part I

April 19, 2008

This story starts like most others. There I was…driving at a relaxed pace to the dropzone when a car with blue lights pulled me over. I received a speeding ticket! Talk about trying to kill my mood before I even make it to the dropzone. The cool thing was the cop was talking cool to […]

Fighting Rush Hour Traffic to Skydive

April 18, 2008

On Friday, April 18th, I left work a little early so I could get to the dropzone in time for a few skydives. Well as luck has it the traffic was much worse than I had anticipated. I was able to make it to the dropzone with enough time for one jump, the sunset load.

Good Vibes Boogie

April 4, 2008

I had a great time, taking off work Thursday and Friday, attending the Good Vibes Boogie hosted at Skydive The Farm, my home DZ!